Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read

"A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever." -Martin Tupper


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week Three

Student databases:

Librarians on LM_NET have been discussing different student databases that would be available to them online.  I really like this idea, especially for researching. Every year at my school we struggle with how to handle our research unit.  Pulling books off the shelves and making them available is great but I would rather see them researching online using credible resources.  We use databases so much at the advanced level, why not encourage it when they are younger? 

References on shelf or online?

LM_NETers have also been discussing whether to take some books out of the library permanently. For example, some librarians are considering removing some of the resource materials like encyclopedias and instead offering these materials online.  I’m usually the cheerleader for keeping print copies of all things but on this issue I have to say I think digital is the way to go.  Students can’t use these nonfiction resources as well in print as they can online. I think it would be easier for them to navigate through the materials online.


The Unquiet Librarian

On this blog, I read about a teacher who has a class website.  They use it post upcoming events, the daily agenda, and sometimes assignments.  I would love to have enough computers in my room for my students to be able to have a web component to our class.  They are more engaged on the computer and I could individualize my curriculum more if it were online.

There has been uproar over the Obama speech this week that it is not surprising to find people posting their viewpoints online. The Unquiet Librarian had an interesting thought on the subject.  While he or she doesn’t agree with the president on most issues and didn’t even vote for him, the unquiet librarian whole-heartedly disagrees with this slam on intellectual freedom.  I couldn’t agree more.  It is unbelievable that we can’t allow our students the freedom to form their own opinions.


  1. Hi! Thank you for the mention about my blog posts!

    If you want to know more about my Media 21 project I'm doing, you can find out more at http://theunquietlibrarian.wikispaces.com/media21capstone-buffy .

    Thanks for reading my blog!
    Buffy Hamilton
    The Unquiet Librarian

  2. Well, how cool that Buffy responded to your blog!!
